Your Ideal Health – Zinzino

The next step in wellness care is personalized nutrition, and the best way to do that is by testing. Zinzino is the worldwide leader, having performed over 1,300,000 Balance tests alone.

Why is Test-Based Nutrition Important?

Although everyone is similar in their biochemistry, we are not identical, and that makes an enormous difference in our nutrient needs and absorption.

Testing is the only way to discover what each individual requires for good health and to prevent wasting money on ineffective products.

For Example:
Omega-3 fatty acids are some of the most important essential nutrients you must get from your diet or supplementation. Additionally, Omega-3s counterbalance the inflammatory Omega-6 fatty acids, which are very high in modern diets.

Getting enough Omega-3 through diet alone is nearly impossible unless you frequently consume a large amount of fatty fish. This is why millions of people supplement with fish oil or other Omega-3 supplements.

A healthy ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids appears to be between 1-to-1 and 4-to-1 click here, but studies suggest that people who follow a typical Western diet may consume a ratio of between 15-to-1 and almost 17-to-1 click here.

The result? A very high omega-6/omega-3 ratio, as is found in today’s Western diets, promotes the pathogenesis of many health problems and diseases:

-Cardiovascular disease (heart attacks, strokes)
-Cancers of all types
-Inflammatory brain diseases, like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and dementia
-Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and Lupus
-Skin irritation, itchiness, and dryness
-Depression, irritability, mood swings, even aggression
-Vision loss and dry eyes
-Joint pain and stiffness
-Thinning, dry, and brittle hair

This is only a partial list! In other words, this is one of the most important supplements, for everyone from infants to elderly.

How effective are the supplements most people take?
Of the 1.3 million tests done by the lab, 97% of people are imbalanced, even those who supplement with Omega-3 supplements. In other words…their supplements are not doing much good at all and are a waste of money.

How can this be?
It’s because, to process Omega-3 supplements from fish, contaminants like mercury and other heavy metals are removed to make them safe for consumption. However, a recent discovery found this processing also removes the important polyphenol molecule bound to the Omega-3, which radically decreases absorption and benefits.

In other words, taking Omega-3 supplements may not have any benefits…just a waste of money. The only way to know if your supplementation WORKS or is a WASTE is by TESTING. That’s where Zinzino comes in.

Zinzino makes it simple and inexpensive for you to find out if your body’s Omega 3 is imbalanced, or not. In fact, why not get yourself and your family tested?

If you’re imbalanced, take one of Zinzino’s proven Omega-3 balance blends (available in Vegan form also). Then re-test yourself in 120 days.

You can see how well it’s working for you. You may be astonished.

Imagine … a supplement that is proven to work! Is that what you’ve always wanted?

Here is a video that explains it all. Click here to share the video.
Here’s how simple it is to take the Omega 6:3 Balance test at home: Share this link

In addition, the Founder of Zinzino explains why you can’t just take Omega 3s and olive oil and get the same benefits as cost-effectively as using their product, Balance+.
Click here to watch and share this video.

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