My coaching is like nothing else you have ever experienced before. Our work helps you easily release any block standing in your way. We work with your emotional guidance system to bring you into alignment with your Higher Self and personal power.
Coaching is personal and requires commitment and a good fit. So, I offer a 30-minute, free consultation to ensure we have what we need to succeed. Send me an email below, and I will contact you to arrange a time to chat via Zoom. I very much look forward to speaking with you.
I love to speak about becoming empowered by connecting with your authentic inner self and living with an open heart. The six-step system in Always Choose Love, is a great place to start this discussion.
Q. Can a newbie succeed with your teachings?
No doubt. In fact, I was a newbie myself not so long ago. And, my spiritual practices continue to grow, and I learn something new each day. I would love to work with any spiritual aspirant.
Q. Do you have any online workshops?
Not yet, but I am working on it now. I am creating a workshop covering each step of my six-step system outlined in my eBook, Always Choose Love. Please join our newsletter; you will be notified when it is available.
Q. Why should I join your Facebook Group?
Because you love the adventure of being on the spiritual path. And, you will find other, like-minded seekers who you can play with along the way. In this group, I will answer your common and unique questions, and with a monthly membership, I provide so much more. Be sure to check it out!